June 9, 2023







Rev. Rob Kirbach, OblOSB, MDiv, MA

(618) 208-0595

Anthea Zumbahlen Kevin Earnest Gloria Bradley Jeannie Chiddix Jerod Harvey



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL


• The Church ​• Baptism

• Communion

First Baptist Church of Newton is in need of ​a new Senior Pastor!!

• God the Trinity

• The Bible

• Jesus Christ

• Salvation by Grac

FBC has been blessed over the past 40 years with

Dr. Steve Willis, a pastor who is a strong leader, speaks the

gospel, dedicated to serving God, active and provides

mentorship in all church activities, led activities of Jasper

County Ministerial Association, and shows genuine care and

concern for the health, well-being, and souls of the church and ​community members.

As we thank Steve for his commitment, friendship, and

leadership over the past years and celebrate his retirement in

August of 2023, we look forward to fulfilling God’s plan for us

and the new pastor in our future.

We feel FBC has a lot to offer and a congregation full of

talented individuals ready to go to work for our Savior. Like

any other church, FBC has challenges to overcome, but with

prayer and the right leadership, we hope to enrich the lives of

our church members and community as we build a closer

relationship with God.

The information on the next 3 pages is a

collection of thoughts and ideas from a

survey of our congregation to support our

pastoral search.

Word cloud reflecting qualities of our new pastor ranking



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL


• God the Trinity

• The Bible

• Jesus Christ

• Salvation by Grace

• The Church ​• Baptism

• Communion



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL

First Baptist Church


This church was established in January of 1886 as the Newton

Baptist Church. The first pastor was J.W Reed who served until

1891 and again from 1896 to 1898. The first meetings were held at ​the Presbyterian Church until 1892 when it was decided to build a ​new church. The actual construction was started in 1893 and ​completed in 1895. The first services in the new building were on ​April 27th. In 1957 a new educational wing and fellowship hall were ​added. A new sanctuary was built in 1966-67. In recent years many ​updates have been made including all new windows, new roof, and ​updates in the fellowship hall.

The name of the church was changed from "Newton Baptist Church"

to "First Baptist Church" on July 25th, 1926. The church has had 31

pastors since its inception including our current pastor, Dr. Steve

Willis who has served since 1983.

Our Sanctuary seats 300 people. It is equipped with projector/

screen/computer, sound system, hearing assist sound system,

balcony, baptistry, and platform/stage.

We have a Pastor’s office, Secretary’s office, Treasurer’s office,

vestibule, nursery, fellowship hall with kitchen, extension to

fellowship hall (with a sink, cabinets, refrigerator, and freezer), 8

classrooms, 2 men’s and 2 women’s restrooms.

Services at First Baptist start at 9:00 am every Sunday morning

followed by Sunday school at 10:30. Other Sunday evening activities

include Sing for Missions and Movie Night. Wednesday Night Bible

study is held at 6:00 PM. From September to May, Wednesday

Night Ignite is held monthly for ages 3 through the 8th grade.

Our mission is to delight God by developing a church full of people

whose integrity is beyond question, whose faith is beyond reason,

and whose compassion is beyond compare.

We would like to invite you to join us next Sunday. You will find us to

be a very friendly family of believers that loves our Lord and truly

enjoys our Sunday morning fellowship.



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL


• Church Members

• Distance to Church ​• Marital Status

• Members by Age Group ​• Employment Status

• Employment Category

“Love one another. As I have ​loved you, so you also must love ​one another. ”

John 13:34



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL


• Church Members

• Distance to Church ​• Marital Status

• Members by Age Group ​• Employment Status

• Employment Category



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL


• ​• ​• ​•

God the Trinity

The Bible

Jesus Christ ​Salvation by Grace

• The Church ​• Baptism

• Communion

“I am the way, the truth, and the ​life: no one comes to the Father, ​except through me” (Jesus)

John 14:6

God the Trinity

God is a Person who has revealed Himself as the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Three Persons and yet one ​God. (Duet. 6:4, Matthew 28:19, 1 Corinthians 8:6)

The Bible

The Bible, compose of the Old Testament and the New Testament, is a divine revelation, the original autographs of ​which were verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21)

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God, which means He is Himself God. He took upon Himself our nature, ​being conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary. He died upon the cross as a substitutionary sacrifice ​for the sin of the world. He arose from the dead in the body, was glorified and is now our interceding High Priest at the ​right hand of God. He will come again personally and visibly to set up his kingdom and to judge the quick and the

dead. (Col. 1:15, Phil. 2:5-8, Matthew 1:18-25, 1 Peter 2:24, Luke 24, Hebrews 4:14-16, Acts 1:9-11, 1 Thes. 4:16-18, ​Matthew 25:31-46, Rev. 11:15-17, 2:4-6 and 11-15)

Salvation by Grace

Man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is lost; this is true of all men, and except a man be born again ​he cannot see the kingdom of God. Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ, who bore our sins in His own body on ​the cross; the retribution of the wicked and the unbelieving, and the reward of the righteous are everlasting; and as the ​reward of the righteous are everlasting; and as the reward is conscious, so is retribution. ( Gen. 1:26-27, Romans 3:10- ​23, John 3:3, Acts 13:38, 39, 4:12, John 3:16, Matthew 25:46, 2 Corinthians 5:1, 2 Thes. 1:7-10)

The Church

The church is an elect company of believers baptized by the Holy Spirit into one body. Its mission is to witness its ​Head, Jesus Christ, preaching the gospel among all nations. The church will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air ​and so shall ever be with the Lord. (Acts 2:41, 14:13-17, Eph. 1:3-6, 1 Corinthians 12:12-13, Matthew 28:19-20, Acts ​1:6-8, 1 Thes. 4:16-18


We believe baptism is an outward testimony of our faith in Christ. (Matthew 3:13-17, 28:19-20, Mark 16:16, Acts 8:36- ​39, Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:19-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-34)


We believe communion is a memorial celebration of Jesus Christ’s broken body and shed blood. (Matthew 3:13-17, ​28:19-20, Mark 16:16, Acts 8:36-39, Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:19-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-34)



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL


• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​•


Kindergarten to 2nd grade ​3rd grade to 6th grade

7th grade to 12th grade ​Young adult class

Adults class

Class is in Session!

First Baptist Church of Newton is blessed with a congregation ​full of current and retired professional teachers, educators, ​coaches, and just a lot of people who love children. Studying ​God’s word and practicing prayer and praise to the Lord in ​fellowship is one of the pillars of a Christian’s life. No matter ​your age or phase in life, you can find opportunity to learn more ​about our creator and what he can do in your life.

Sunday School

We have 6 different Sunday School classes. The 3 youth classes have ​monthly rotating teachers. The adult classes have 1 teacher with a ​substitute teacher.

“And they shall all be taught of ​God.’ Everyone who has heard ​and learned from the Father, ​comes to Me.”

John 6:45

Vacation Bible School

Bible School occurs the first week of June from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM. ​Students are treated to a lesson, music, craft, recreation, and a snack. ​Class is open to age 3 through 6th grade. Each year a special theme is ​chosen, Bible School closes with a special program on Friday.

Middle Schoolers gathering before Sunday School Class 3/12/23



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL


• ​• ​• ​• ​• ​•

Sunshine Kiddies ​Kingdom Kids

Adult Choir

Praise Band

Piano and Keyboard ​Special Music

Music to my ears!

First Baptist Church of Newton is a congregation of believers ​that loves to sing praise to GOD and does so through many ​avenues. There are many opportunities for anyone who has ​special musical talents to use them for the glory of GOD. Join ​us this Sunday in praise in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Sunshine Kiddies


This group consists of children ranging from age 3 through 2 grade.

They brighten up the holidays with their fun and uplifting songs.

Kingdom Kids

This choir consists of children ranging from 3



through 6 grade

These two groups sing for all holidays, Sing for Missions (5th ​Sunday), and Sunday Morning Specials. They practice for 15-20 ​minutes during their Sunday School time.

“Jesus loves me, this I know,

For the Bible tells me so:

Little ones to him belong,

They are weak, but he is strong. “

Anna Bartlett Warner

Kingdom Kids getting ready for their first song for Easter Celebration ​4/9/23



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL

Adult Choir

This choir includes students from Junior and Senior High School and ​adults. Practice is usually held on Sunday evenings.

“Hallelujah, for the LORD is ​good; sing praises to His ​name, for it is lovely.”

Psalm 135:3

Adult Choir Easter Service 4/9/23



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL

Praise Band

The Praise team starts off our worship service with at least 3 Christian ​Contemporary songs. This group consists of a lead, rhythm, and bass ​guitar players, a drummer, and a keyboard player along with several ​vocalists. From time to time, there may be a substitute on the ​instruments or vocals whenever a member is unavailable. The songs ​are chosen and then emailed to the members. During praise time, we ​also have a person advancing the lyrics on the overhead screen and ​controlling the sound board so the congregation can follow along.

“God has given each of you a ​gift from his great variety of ​spiritual gifts. Use them well

to serve one another”


1 Peter 4:10



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL

Piano and Keyboard

We have a Baby Grand Piano and a Yamaha stage keyboard that are ​put to good use each Sunday.

Special Music

It’s always a special treat when church members feel God’s calling to ​bless the congregation with a special song or recital. Anyone can sign ​up for Sunday morning service special music. We have had many ​talented individuals and group’s over the years grace our church singing ​praise to God. Whether just visiting, or a past, present, or a future ​member of our church, our stage is your stage!



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL

CIA (Christians In Action)

Our High School group is entitled CIA (Christians in Action) and meets ​on the first and third Sundays at 6 p.m.

Easter Program 2023



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL


The Board of Missions is a ministry within God’s Church specifically designed to address the local and abroad ​ministries. It helps to raise awareness and extend God’s love and support for His will.


United Missions Basics

The Murrow Indian Children’s Home

Jewish Worldwide Mission Ministries

Macmillian Ahoto

Regan’s in the Race

Beyond Us Ministries (BUM)

New Hope Children’s Ministries

One Mission Society

New Life Children’s Ministries

Programs and special offerings in the Church are decided upon to help raise money to support the missions to serve

God. These include:

• Sing for Missions

• Fishing for Missions

• Vacation Bible School

• Revivals and passing of the offering plate

• Garage sale event

• Socials

The Board of Missions also decides on where to place support in Local Ministries. Some of these include:

• Honey Do Ministries

• Silk Purse

• People in the Community who need help

Fishing for Missions celebration at Sam Parr State Park



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL

ABW (American Baptist Women)

The ABW or American Baptist Women is a ministry that is made up of all the women in the church. The purpose of the ​ABW is to unite all of the women of our church into the fellowship that will help each one to grow in a personal devotion

to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. To encourage the commitment to the mission of His Church through worship, work ​and witness in all areas of life, our homes, community, nation and the world.

Our meetings are held in accordance to the annual schedule developed at the first of our program year, which runs from

June through May.

2022 was a busy year for our ABW group. Our ministries include serving meals for families following a funeral. We

provide meals for individuals who are recovering from sickness or surgery, and helping with benevolence needs as they


First Baptist Church of Newton sponsored the following events and activities: The men and boys were served a Father’s

Day supper catered by Joe’s Pizza of Newton. The noon meal for the Honey Do Ministries, was provided and served

many community workers. We prepared Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, and sent them to many needy children

for Christmas. Fruit and treat baskets were also prepared and delivered to the elderly and our shut-ins. Baby and

wedding showers is another way ABW contributes.

The ABW ladies also were able to enjoy Ladies Day Out. Two cars loaded up and headed to the Amish country. A

delicious meal was served to twelve ladies at the Hostellar’s family home. Shopping at Beaches completed our trip.

Everyone had a wonderful time.

New this year was our trivia night. A delicious meal catered by Hartrich’s Meats. This took the place of our Valentine

Banquet. Kent and Chris Klier were in charge of this event. Prizes were awarded to the winning team. The fellowship

hall was packed. A great time was had by all.

Lucas Shadle was the recipient of our $600 Love Gift offering taken at our annual Christmas Dinner. Lucas was injured

on October 2022 in a motor cross race. He is a sophomore at Newton High School, suffering from spinal paralysis.

Our group continues to grow not only in numbers but also in spirit. I encourage all ladies to join us and be a part of the

many blessings this ministry offers.


Gloria Bradley – President



Information curtesy of Five Aprils Crossing brochure

Jasper County Schools:

• ​• ​•

Saint Marie Elementary ​Newton Elementary

Jasper County Junior High

• Newton Community High School ​• St.Thomas Catholic K-8 School

Jasper County Community Unit #1 School District

In partnership with the community and parents, JCCU #1 is committed to developing students with character. We are

preparing students to be effective leaders and productive citizens by focusing on high achievement and an all-inclusive

environment. The Board of Education will support this mission by fostering a climate of deliberate change and

monitoring progress through measurable indicators.

St. Thomas School

St. Thomas is a faithful community of people dedicated to communicating Gospel values, educating and developing the

whole person, and providing opportunities for growth, thus enabling the students and staff to be of service to God, to

each other, to the Church, and to society.



Information curtesy of Five Aprils Crossing brochure

Jasper County Illinois:

Data from 2010 Census

• Population: 9,698

• Average Temp: low of 18 °F (−8 °C) in

January to a high of 85 °F (29 °C) in July

• Median Household Income: $46,546

• Per Capita Income: $21,467

• 8.5% of population below the poverty line

• Racial make-up: 98.6% white, 0.2% Asian, ​0.1% American Indian, 0.1% black or African ​American. Hispanic or Latino origin: 0.8%

Small Town!




Small town is used when referring to small places, where people

are friendly, honest, and polite, or to the people there. idealized small-town America of neat, middle-class homes.

The meaning of “small-town” exemplifies what Newton and Jasper

County are. We are a community that strives to keep these small

town values and we welcome the opportunity to introduce you to

our small town, that many of us call home. This coupled with the

features listed below, Newton is an even more pleasing community

in which we would love to hear you call home.

Newton Lake

184,000 visitors. 1775 acre warm water lake. 6500 huntable acres. Activities include fishing tournaments, biking, ​hiking, and equestrian trails.

Prairie Ridge State Natural Area

Bird watching, grassland restoration, rare grassland wildlife viewing, Robert Ridgeway Grassland with hiking trails and ​natural wildflower viewing.

Sam Parr State Park

1043 acre State Park, 183 acre lake, 32 newly remodeled camp sites, 6 boat docks, hiking trails, horse trails, seasonal ​hunting, picnic areas.

Drive ’N Theatre

1 of 6 operational drive-in theatres in Illinois, debuted in 1953. Features a single 72’ x 36’ screen with a capacity of 250 ​cars, drinks/concession stand, situated in a rural cornfield

Fishing Lodge (Outdoor Sportman’s Lodge)

Boat rental, all inclusive fishing packages, trophy hunting (Illinois Wildlife Connections) & Reunions

Museum - Jeep Runs - Jasper County Dirt Roads

Family Fun - Bowling - Swimming - Community Park - Baseball - Basketball, Tennis,

& Pickleball Courts - Frisbee Golf - Walking and Biking Trails

Annual Festivals - County Fair - Home of Burl Ives (Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer)

Link to Jasper County Tourism Webpage:



Information curtesy of Five Aprils Crossing brochure

Local Businesses:

• Industrial Park

• Restaurants

• Assisted Living & Nursery Home ​• Medical, Eye & Dental Clinics

• Emergency Medical Services

• Event Center/Banquet Hall

• Gas Stations and Convenience


• 3 New and Used Car Dealerships ​• 3 Farm Implement Dealerships

• Veterinary Clinic

• Local and Retail Businesses

• Manufacturing

• Fire - Police - Sheriff Departments ​• Motel - Hotel - Airbnb

Agricultural Community

Family Farms dot the rural landscape in Jasper County. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting is a primary Industry ​in Jasper County second to Utilities/Energy. Our Agricultural Community is self sufficient and has local businesses that ​support every aspect of the farming industry’s needs. One benefit you will find access to farmer’s market’s, strawberry ​patches, a peach orchard, a butcher shop, and lots of community members with home gardens willing to share fresh ​produce.

Centrally Located

Just 20-30 minute drive to 2 major interstates & centrally located between St. Louis and Indianapolis Metropolitan ​Areas.



First Baptist Church of Newton, IL


Ranch Style Home ​100’ x 145’ Lot

3 Bedroom

2 Bathroom

Living Room

Dining Room

Family Room

Galley Kitchen

Laundry Area

One Car Garage

Small Outbuilding

1959 constructed w/ updates

“Therefore now let it please thee to ​bless the house of thy servant, that it ​may continue for ever before thee: for ​thou, O Lord God, hast spoken it: and ​with thy blessing let the house of thy ​servant be blessed for ever.”

2 Samuel 7:29